
Friday 27 September 2019

Critical Literacy - Musicals

Vocab : Stereotypes, Construction, Bias, Gender, Masculinity, Femininity

Masculinity stereotypes:
  • Tough
  • Strong
  • Scary
  • Brave
  • Aggressive
  • Tall
  • Good job
Feminine stereotypes:
  • Cleaning
  • Sensitive
  • Delicate
  • Pretty 
  • Quiet
  • Small
  • Soft
  • Passive
Somewhere that's green
11. How are adults constructed in this text?
Women clean and stay at home. Men mowing lawns and doing more physical work

28. What kind of social reality does this text portray?
Women do the more feminine, easier jobs and men have actual jobs and are more physical.

29. How does this text construct a version of reality? 
It constructs a version of reality where boys and girls are stereotyped into being more like their sex such as girls are all dressy and perfect with soft voices and the boys are working hard and really masculine.

27. What view of the world is this text presenting?
That men are always doing hard work as they're more strong and girls are more gentle and caring so they look after their family and keep everything nice and tidy.

So much better
11. How are adults constructed in this text?
Really determined to do what they want and more capable of a range of jobs but males were more likely to get the job than females.

28. What kind of social reality does this text portray?
Her gender didn't really decide if she got the job it was more if she was smart enough to qualify for itl 

29. How does this text construct a version of reality? 
How gender isn't really a huge judgement anymore when it comes to getting a job and it's about how hard you work and but it also constructs the version of reality where blondes are stupid.

27. What view of the world is this text presenting?

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