
Wednesday 14 August 2019

Home economics - Week 3 Jam Drops

In Home Economics my group and I made Jam drops. I worked in a group with Memory, Connor and Molly. We managed to get stuff done fast and certain people stuck to working on something which was really efficient so we got everything done as well as cleaning while we were cooking. There was some mucking around but I don't think it was too bad. While we were putting the jam in we were told we put too much in the cookies or that the cookies were an uneven size so it took more time trying to fix that.
Image result for jam drops
this is the most accurate photo i could get of our cookies bc i couldnt get a photo of them
I think that they were pretty good especially for our first time making them and I think my team agrees bc they did taste pretty good. I think next time we should probably try be more accurate with measurements or be more prepared at the start of the lesson.

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