
Tuesday 2 July 2019

Film Study - The Hunger Games Gary Ross

hunger games notes

scene 1 - 
music absent, hear nature, colour is dull to imply that the district is undesirable and sad.
frequent close-up shots, over the shoulder to tell better emotion.

district 12 -
the costume is dull/old to show poverty/poor, worn down
houses were broken down, the child looks out window w/ no glass, the man picks all the meat off a bone in the street, big electric fences & high voltage signs to show containment/lack of freedom.

forest scene -
shaky camera deliberately done as if they are chasing after katniss
katniss shooting a deer to show the skill of archery, foreshadowing later use of a bow and hunting
high angle so they seem smaller, vulnerable and weak. makes peacekeepers look superior and strong.

grass scene w/ katniss gail -
excited to be given bread
panning shots  of wilderness implying isolation

primrose and katniss scene -
primrose needs katniss to tuck in a tail
braids in the hair

reaping scene -
most girls with braids
bland clothing
primrose scared

effie on stage scene -
brings out how poor district 12
wears expensive bright clothing  and makeup to seem superior and dominant/important
stands on the stage with a loud cheerful voice to seem confident
made up in contrast to the people of district 12
close-up on her eyelashes

reaping 2 scene - 
video shown above the crowd so crowd is vulnerable
close up on effie and over the shoulder to show importance
prim tucks in shirt to show she has to grow up as shes called out
katniss volunteers 
prims facial to show pain
dutch tilt to show obscurity and out of place
close up on facials
peeta gets called out
camera follows him on stage
flashback of katniss' first encounter w/ peeta

town hall scene -
mother hugs katniss
prim comes in crying and yelling to show fear and sadness
katniss asks gail to make sure her family doesnt starve

train scene -
music as they walk into an expensive room to show change of scene
sounds emotional to show that its something theyve hever had and leaving their family behind
flashbacks to show relationships between a character
haymitch comes in, pours hismself a glass on alcohol, frequently done to show hes an alcoholic
tvs to continue to show wealth
haymitch lectures katniss on how to get sponsers and to act more likable/sofisticated

scene of capitol -
sees the capitol, wealth, colour, cheering, interesting dressing, very ecentric and extravagance
shiny clean environment 
big buildings
deliberately shows scenes of people walking to show the difference between capitols wealth and district 12s poverty

scene of katniss being groomed -
is made to look better so she's liked
gets told she smells basically
meets cinna, he looks good

parade ground scene -
shown different costumes of other districts
anouncers shown above the crowd and a pathway clear for the districts
meet president snow and game master (seneca)
wide angle/over the shoulder of people dressed throughout crowd as snow stands above

scene of living space -
electricity, very modern and advanced to show comparison between the captiol and district 12, how shocked they were as they were.

training grounds scene -
steady camera
small scenes of people training
arguing between two districts over

dinner -
no music
close up on facial expressions to set the mood and emotion
flashback to peeta and katniss

training grounds 2 -
grey, white, black. only point of distinct colour is w the people who run the hunger games, where theyre seated to show theyre better
music to create seriousness/dramatic effect

training grounds 3 -
low music
high angle looking down on katniss to make her look weak and vulnerable
close up/mid shot of her steadying her bow
music makes tension, fast paced n high pitched, low menacing undertone
close up for facials
startled when katniss shoots the apple in the pigs mouth

talk show -
over shoulders and close-ups so we feel involved

the games -
close-ups on katniss' facials
silence to set the atmosphere
music for sadness
no music for clearer emotion
facials w katniss and peeta for emotion 
dirty costume and makeup due to being there for a while
blurred background to pay attention to main person in view

shaky camera to imply you're there while they fight
high angles, over the shoulder, low angle

quotes -
may the odds be ever in your favour said for ironic purposes - effie, katniss says to  mock the whole hunger games
embrace the probability of your imminent death - haymitch

symbols -
mockingjay symbol seen when bartering w an old lady
three finger solute for district 12 during reaping, solidarity
the girl on fire

notice -
snow wears white rose
haymitch refuses a drink
president snow v black n white
rely on close up of facials to tell story

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