
Wednesday 15 May 2019

Essay Writing Structure

5. Adverb Sentence
Curiously, Quickly, Rapidly, Often, Importantly, Firstly, Remarkably, Firstly, Lastly, Similarily, Significantly, Readily, Interestingly

 Comma goes after adverb.
E.g Surprisingly, Mrs Handley was on time.

Remarkably, Dylan and Jordan participated in PE.
Surprisingly, I managed to convince Dylan to come outside.

6. Begin with a Preposition
Prepositions are words that indicate movement or position.
Against, In, Before, Between, Over, Behind, Within, Under, Below, At, For, Throughout, Near, About

Comma tells you when preposition time has ended.
E.g Within the hour, all students had finished their essays.

Within 2 minutes, Neika annoyed everyone in the room.
Behind Dylan, was Jordan trying to meet her walking speed.

8. -ed Start
Committed, Undaunted, Determined, Forced, Gifted, Blighted, Thrilled, Bewildered, Delighted, Blessed, Overpowered, Drafted, Surprised, Foreshadowed, Concerned

E.g Thrilled by the score, the coach shouted us all Maccas.

Determined to beat Sam, I typed HEHAHEHHEHHEHAHEHAHEHA
Committed to art lessons, I picked up my pencil and cried a little.

11. The 'W' Start
Who, While, Whilst, When, Where, What, Whereas

E.g Whereas Liz played Netball, I played hockey.

While I ate noodles, Dylan looked at me in disgust.
Whereas Loche likes fortnite, I don't.

7. The -ing Start
Deciding, Speaking, Seeing, Grasping, Rising, Looking, Holding, Emerging, Taking, Signalling, Analysing

After 'ing' phrase place a comma, then write the rest of the sentence.
E.g Talking about military success, one must include Alexander the Great.

Rising from my seat, I ran out of class
Standing up, I ran out of class

Key IdeaExample1→In Contrast, Example2 Why Difference Matters

Key Idea 
  Deliver your key idea.
Example1 → Write 2-3 sentences giving your first example.
In contrast, example2  Write 2-3 sentences giving your second example. Begin with phrases like: In contrast, In comparison, Conversely, Whereas, Alternatively, At the same time, Similarly. 
Why Difference Matters  Write 2 sentences telling us why the difference between these two things is important.

Suprisingly, many people believe Netball is better than basketball. In basketball, everyone on the team is allegeable to shoot into the hoop, giving everyone the chance to score. Also having access to the entire court. Whereas in Netball, there are only two designated shooters in a team. They must shoot into the hoop inside a semicircle surrounding the hoop. Comparing the freedom of Basketball to Netballs strict rules, it is easy to see why Basketball is better.

Key Idea→Quote1→Write this sentence→Quote2→Why Better

Key Idea → Deliver your key idea.
Quote1 → Quote an expert, then in the following tell us what she means by this.
Sentence → Yet, not all see it this way.
Quote2 → Quote expert 2, then in the following tell us what she means by this.
Why better → 2-3 sentences, say why quote 2 is superior, more challenging, more insightful than Quote1 and why.

In the book 'Unwind', written by Neil Shusterman, two nurses are overheard talking about law and human nature. 'You can't change human nature without first changing the law', is a quote given by a nurse in this text. The intention of this statement was to convey the idea of not being able to alter natural human behavior and instinct unless the laws have been changed first. However, not all see it this way. 'You can't change laws without first changing human nature', is another quote given to us by a nurse arguing against what the first nurse has said. By saying this, 

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