
Wednesday 6 March 2019

Unwind Part 1 - Triplicate

"I was never going to amount to much anyway, but now, statistically speaking, there's a better chance that some part of me will go on to greatness somewhere in the world. I'd rather be partly great than entirely useless." -Samson Ward

1. How much brainwashing do you think has happened for teenagers to make this sort of claim as they’re being led to their "death"?  
Probably a lot.

2. Why, do you think, has Shusterman chosen to have three characters tell their story?  
To see the different circumstances and what could lead to being unwound.

3. Lev is a tithe. This means that he is the 10% that his family will give back to the church as an offering. What are your thoughts on this?  
I don't think that it's right to use him as an offering but his family being religious would believe that it's okay and a good use for him.

4. Rita is a state home kid - she was unwanted at birth, and now the state has decided she is no longer useful. Do you think that the state should ever be able to determine if one life is more useful than another?
No, because all the lives they're determining to be unwound are teenage lives so you never know what they could turn out to be. It's also probably wrong to kill someone to save someone else so yeah

5. Connor's parents have chosen to unwind him due to his difficult behaviour. They have then booked a ticket to the Bahamas. In your opinion, how do parents view their children? Why do you think this?
Disposable and they don't really care about them too much. Obviously, if they cared and loved their children then they wouldn't send them away to get killed.

6. Pastor Dan presents as being conflicted. What reasons might he have to encourage Lev in his journey as a tithe? Why does he encourage him to run?
He developed father sort of feelings towards Lev and cared about him lots so when he saw the Lev had the chance to escape he told him to.

What is the story based on a nursery rhyme that circulates among the youth?
Harlan Dunfree, a kid that was trouble got unwound but his parents wanted to stop it but they couldnt. So after he was unwound the parents tracked down all the people who got his body parts and took them back to recreate Harlan.

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