
Friday 29 March 2019

Child Soldiers Map & SEEL

In Social Studies, our new topic is a research task about child soldiers. I had to create a map with the top 10 countries with child soldiers.

SEEL Paragraph
Why are children used in War and how does this take away their Human Rights and Freedom?

Many children are recruited to become soldiers at a young age. Some of the kids join the military due to attempting to avenge family members that have been killed or taken. By joining, the kids are subjecting them self to many different commitments such as, cooking, messengers, informants, spies and they can be used to commit extreme acts of violence, in some cases, killing people. The commander may use the child as anything it chooses and can sometimes be used for sexual purposes. Since so many kids join at such as young age, they often don't attend school and can be bullied or sexually harassed in the facilities. Human rights are violated due to the kids being easily manipulated and controlled, not having a say in anything they do, and some even tricked into not being able to leave for a years. 

Monday 25 March 2019

Map Of 10 Worst Countries for Child Labour

In social studies we had to create a map of the top 10 worst countries involved in child labour. Here is my map that I created with Dylan.

SEEL Paragraph On Child Labour

We had to create a SEEL paragraph in Social Studies on child labour and the human rights violated by being involved in it.
SEEL = Statement, Explain, Example, Link

Here is my paragraph:
Children in poor countries can be used for labour. Many parents go to money lenders for cash to be able to pay for medication and basic necessities. They can sell a child of theirs to the money lender, where they're then forced to work, majority in inhumane conditions. They do this to pay off their parents money that they borrowed and many spend years in slavery to pay off a debt that could be $100 and sometimes even less. Some children pay off the debt but aren't aware so that the slave master can keep the child for more labour. The labour they can be forced to do could be mining, carpet making and brick making. Due to the working conditions, they can be affected physically, such as the toxic gasses from the mines causing neurological after long-term inhalation. Carpet-making can result in cuts and blisters that usually aren't treated properly either. Countries involved in child labour are; Somalia, Sudan, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Countries which all have higher rates of poverty.

The slave masters that use the children are violating many human rights. There's countless human rights violated such as freedom of slavery, freedom from torture and degrading treatment, the right to rest and leisure and the right to education. They work from dawn to dusk, daily, with little breaks and some even chained. With little breaks and wounds going untreated, that's already 3 human rights violated and maybe more depending on how they're treated. Due to many children being enslaved for years, may become uneducated and uninformed as adults.

Thursday 21 March 2019

Sonja Terk Delaunay

Sonja Terk Delaunay

In art we have been learning about orphism and how Sonja Terk Delaunay used it and made it become a more known way of art.

She was a Ukraine-born French artist.
She was a Painter, Scenic Designer, Costume Designer and a Textile Designer.

2 Artworks:
Rhythm Colour No.1076 (1939)

(1908), Sonia Delaunay
Yellow Nude (1908)

Orphism an abstract art where you use bright colours and solid shapes to create a colourful and unique art piece. Orphism gives priority to light and colour creating bold artwork with all the shapes and colours.

Here is my version of orphism that we did in class which was supposed to take 10 minutes and I ended up taking significantly longer.

Here are some thumbnail sketches of orphism.

Friday 15 March 2019


In art we have been working on Michael Mew inspired media art. Our art had to include:
A focal point
Leading lines
A bird

We had to add a bird to represent our cultural narrative. The bird that I chose is a Mohua.

I think to improve my work, next time I could plan it out better and fugure out where everything is going to go before I do it.

My focal point is the face because it's much larger than anything else and they grey makes it stand out more.

My leading lines are the edges around the yellow and the yellow cracked line leading up to the other yellow. Maybe the edges of the face too.

Thursday 14 March 2019

Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman was a member of the underground railroad. She had an important job of being a connector. A conductor is a person who would free and then lead the slaves to the safehouses. Harriet took 19 trips to free slaves and free 300+ slaves overall. Her historic efforts to free slaves is the reason she is known as a famous conductor.

Wednesday 13 March 2019


In sewing, which is one of our options for school, we had to create a container for all our work to go in. We got to choose out of many different styles of bags but I chose to make one with a zip.

First, we had to cut out 2 squares the same size as each other out of fabric.
Afterwards, we had to put the zips on which is difficult to explain.
After we'd done the zip we had to make sure that our bag was inside out and then we machine sewed the rest of the sides of the bags without the zip.

Tuesday 12 March 2019

Unwind Part 2 - Storked

"You can't change laws without first changing human nature." - Nurse Greta
"You can't change human nature without first changing the law." -Nurse Young

Risa overhears two nurses debating law and human nature. Which argument do you think is stronger.
Why do you think this? Write a paragraph explaining your thoughts on law and human nature.
I think you'd have to change human nature first because if you were to change the laws, everyone that disagrees wouldn't obey them and they'd support a completely different way of life. What would the point be in changing the laws if no one supported them.

This section opens with a mother abandoning her newborn infant on the doorstep of a house in a good neighbourhood. As she leaves, she thinks "How wonderful it is that she can get a second chance. How wonderful it is that she can dismiss her responsibility so easily."
In your opinion, by allowing new mothers to give up their children so readily, does it take away from the value of a child?
Yes because leaving a child at the door implies that it's an object that can be passed around between people. Not everyone that gets a child at a door is going to want the child. It's sort of like leaving a gift basket at your neighbours door.

What is the role of a mother? Do you think the title of mother is something that should be earned or a natural right of the woman who gave birth?
I think it should be something that is earned because there are so many people out there who treat their children terribly. Even though by giving birth, your title would be a mother, I believe it's the responsibility of raising and being the support your child needs that really makes you a mother.

What skills or attributes do Connor and Risa have that work well together?
Conner make's impulsive and quick decisions whereas Risa often thinks of the outcome of her decisions to help her make smart choices. Both of which have helped them out in situations.

Connor and Lev have very different experiences with storking. How has this helped shape each of their attitudes toward the society they live in?
Due to Lev having storked siblings and Conner's parents having been part of the reason that a storked child died, they both feel quite strongly of storking and realize how it affects someone's life as well as how dangerous it could be for the child that's been storked.

Connor is concerned the baby won't be loved, and ultimately will die, so he takes it. What does this show us about him as a person?  
That he's quite a loving person and believes that people deserve to live. He didn't know the baby or who it belonged to but he saved it anyway.

What makes Lev realise he doesn't want to be unwound? P79
I think it's Pastor Dan telling him to run away and that he could be anything he wants to be. Probably the belief that he could actually have a life instead of being tithed and that Pastor Dan also doesn't want Lev being tithed.

Each of the other characters on the run has a tragic background story. Why were Hayden, Roland and Mai set to be unwound? Which, do you think, is the most tragic? Explain your response. Mai's parents wanted a boy instead of a girl, Hayden's parents couldn't decide who got custody over him and Roland beat up his Stepfather for beating his Mother but his Mother took her husband's side. I think they're all really bad because Mai would've felt really hurt knowing that she wasn't what her parents wanted, Hayden's parents were too pathetic to sort themselves out, although Hayden hopes that unwinding their child would bring them back together and Roland would have felt betrayed because he was only protecting his Mother.

What tattoo does Roland have?
A shark on his arm from when he drew a shark on his cast when he was younger.

Wednesday 6 March 2019

Textiles - Pattern Pieces, Jordan & Stacey

Contrast - A fabric piece or embellishment made from a different fabric than the main fabric.

Nap - On fabrics with a pile of velvet, velour and corduroy.

Knit - Knitting is a method by which yarn is manipulated to create a textile or fabric often used in many types of garments.

Notions - notions are small objects or accessories including items that are sewn or otherwise attached to finished articles such as buttons, snaps and collar stays.

Woven - a type of trim or embellishment consisting of a strip of folded fabric inserted into a stem to define the edges or style lines of a garment or other textile objects.

BiasThe bias of a piece of woven fabric is at 45 degrees to its warp and weft threads. The "bias-cut" is a technique used by tailors and dress-makers for cutting cloth. The greater stretch in the bias (diagonal) direction of the fabric, helps it accentuate body lines and curves and drape softly.

PlaidPlaid is a pattern created by bars and stripes of color that cross at right angles, or a piece of fabric with this pattern on it. An example of plaid is Scottish tartan.

PetitePetite size. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In fashion and clothing, a petitesize is a standard clothing size designed to fit women of shorter height than the average, typically 160 cm (5 ft 3 in).

InterfacingInterfacing is a textile used on the unseen or "wrong" side of fabrics to make an area of a garment more rigid. Interfacings can be used to: stiffen or add body to fabric, such as the interfacing used in shirt collars. strengthen a certain area of the fabric, for instance where buttonholes will be sewn.

GrainTypes of Fabric Grain. Lengthwise grain refers to the threads in a fabric which run the length of the fabric, parallel to the selvage of the fabric. ... The bias has stretch in woven fabric and will hang differently than a garment that has been cut on the straight or crosswisegrain.

Bodicea usually fitted vest or wide, lace-up girdle worn by women over a dress or blouse, especially a cross-laced, sleeveless outer garment covering the waist and bust, common in peasant dress. the part of a woman's dress covering the body between the neck or shoulders and the waist.

FusibleInterfacing is a textile used on the unseen or "wrong" side of fabrics to make an area of a garment more rigid. Interfacings can be used to: stiffen or add body to fabric, such as the interfacing used in shirt collars. strengthen a certain area of the fabric, for instance where buttonholes will be sewn.

LiningIn sewing and tailoring, a lining is an inner layer of fabric, fur, or other material inserted into clothing, hats, luggage, curtains, handbags and similar items. Linings provide a neat inside finish and conceal interfacing, padding, the raw edges of seams, and other construction details.

YardTerm used to describe any cut length of fabric. In the U.S., fabric is measured and cut in yards (36-inch intervals). A length of fabric in an undefined amount. Yoke- A panel either across the shoulders or at the waistline into which the bulk of the garment is sewn.

Unwind Part 1 - Triplicate

"I was never going to amount to much anyway, but now, statistically speaking, there's a better chance that some part of me will go on to greatness somewhere in the world. I'd rather be partly great than entirely useless." -Samson Ward

1. How much brainwashing do you think has happened for teenagers to make this sort of claim as they’re being led to their "death"?  
Probably a lot.

2. Why, do you think, has Shusterman chosen to have three characters tell their story?  
To see the different circumstances and what could lead to being unwound.

3. Lev is a tithe. This means that he is the 10% that his family will give back to the church as an offering. What are your thoughts on this?  
I don't think that it's right to use him as an offering but his family being religious would believe that it's okay and a good use for him.

4. Rita is a state home kid - she was unwanted at birth, and now the state has decided she is no longer useful. Do you think that the state should ever be able to determine if one life is more useful than another?
No, because all the lives they're determining to be unwound are teenage lives so you never know what they could turn out to be. It's also probably wrong to kill someone to save someone else so yeah

5. Connor's parents have chosen to unwind him due to his difficult behaviour. They have then booked a ticket to the Bahamas. In your opinion, how do parents view their children? Why do you think this?
Disposable and they don't really care about them too much. Obviously, if they cared and loved their children then they wouldn't send them away to get killed.

6. Pastor Dan presents as being conflicted. What reasons might he have to encourage Lev in his journey as a tithe? Why does he encourage him to run?
He developed father sort of feelings towards Lev and cared about him lots so when he saw the Lev had the chance to escape he told him to.

What is the story based on a nursery rhyme that circulates among the youth?
Harlan Dunfree, a kid that was trouble got unwound but his parents wanted to stop it but they couldnt. So after he was unwound the parents tracked down all the people who got his body parts and took them back to recreate Harlan.