
Tuesday 29 October 2019

Comrehension - Clever homes

1. Devices connected together to communicate or share information are:

2. What makes a house greener (Paragraph 2)
Features that are more energy-efficient and healthy

3. What is one difference between a green roof and a traditional roof?
Green roofs use water and heat, traditional roofs deflect water and heat

4. New technology in the kitchen is the main idea of which paragraph?
Paragraph 3

5. Which event would most affect a house reliant on electronics?
Power Failure

6. Which statement best summarises the information given in Paragraph 5?
Cleaning and water use in homes of the future

7. What is not contained in grey water?
Toilet water

8. What does the text predict water will no longer be needed for?

9. What does food packaging need to have before it can 'communicate'?

10. Which kitchen items might be able to communicate with each other?
Oven and fridge

11. It is a fact, not an opinion, that homes in the future will be:

12. What might be needed between a green roof and a ceiling?
Waterproof materials

13. The writer provides information about:
Some of the features homes in the future might contain

14. The pronoun them in Paragraph 2 refers to:

Comprehension - Huberta, the traveller

1. The word solitary in Paragraph 2 means:

2. Is it a fact, not an opinion, that Huberta:
Travelled south

3. Huberta was different from other hippos because she:
Travelled alone

4. When Huberta left the dam, the train passengers would have felt:
Angry and disappointed

5. The main idea of Paragraph 5 is:
Huberta didn't want to go to a zoo The authorities didn't succeed in taking Huberta to the zoo

6. Which event happened last?
Authorities decided to send Huberta to a zoo

7. Huberta left the dam near the railway because:
People had tried to capture and move her

8. You could conclude Huberta was:
Not shy of people

9. Journalists and photographers followed Huberta because:
The public was interested and wanted to know what she was doing

10. The test could best be summarised as a true story about the travels of a hippo in South Africa which tells:
About her personality and why people were so interested in her

11. The text was written to give:
A recount

12. Huberta is described as a unique hippo because she:
Behaved differently

13. You can conclude from the text that hippos eat:
Plants and fruit

14. The pronoun it in Paragraph 9 refers to:
Her body

Monday 21 October 2019


I think it's pretty slick that each culture has a god to explain natural causes. Let us be clear though, Jesus is our lord and saviour (in my opinion, I respect yours) 

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Critical Literacy - Adverts

19. Is this text fair?
No, because it was only young boys drink

10. How are children, teenagers or young adults constructed in this text?
Wanting to party and saying mate a lot.

23. How does the text present age, gender or cultural groups? 
Young men as stupid and always wanting to drink.

26. Why is the text written this way?

19. Is this text fair?
Not really because it was aimed at young boys like the other ad

10. How are children, teenagers or young adults constructed in this text?
Young boys are portrayed as liking to drink and party

23. How does the text present age, gender or cultural groups? 
Young boys are seen as trying to impress girls and not wanting to look stupid. Most of them were Maori.

26. Why is the text written this way?
Humour is much more memorable so we'd remember the add and not to drink drive.

19. Is this text fair?
It wasn't fair because it was another Maori male surrounded by white people who weren't as drunk as him.

10. How are children, teenagers or young adults constructed in this text?
They're portrayed as drunk idiots.

23. How does the text present age, gender or cultural groups? 
Maori males being the ones to mess up.

26. Why is the text written this way?
I don't really know

Essay Brainstorming

Schools should close when its hotter than 30 degrees.
Extreme heat would make it uncomfortable to do your work and make it difficult to think properly.